Joseph McGuire
Sales Training Expert
He has taught the ancient Chinese skill of Face Reading (Mien Shiang), and Body Language since 1985, initially to healthcare professionals as diagnostic and communication tools. He qualified and practiced as a holistic therapist in several modalities for 30 years. In recent years he has added skills from the fields of negotiation, interrogation, and elicitation. His primary focus has been on assisting clients with C-level interviewing, Negotiation, Executive Communication, Client Profiling, and Sales Team Communication Skills. He has worked with clients in Pharma, Aviation, TV, and Financial Services amongst many others. He has now developed a proprietary Behavioural Negotiation Programme for business leaders. This provides an in-depth understanding of their communication patterns and how they’re perceived, detailed insights into the behavioral patterns of their counterparts, and real-time assistance in reading the room. He is highly experienced in the role of a confidential, impartial, and unbiased observer, and NDA’s are a standard aspect of his client relationships.