Stephen Walmsley
Stephen is the ultimate ScaleUp expert and enjoys supporting leaders, creators, and entrepreneurs. It is easy for companies to get started and grow, but often they feel like they are hitting a glass ceiling and future growth is impacted. This can be rooted in leadership problems, product alignments, and several other causes. As the old saying goes, often companies are becoming oblivious to the needed change. This is the time for Stephen to get engaged. He created a philosophy that is founded in his master principle:
“Do Something Valuable in your business“.
You must give leaders and professionals a compelling reason to commit to their growth and the growth of the firm. Work is important. Work with meaning and motivation is empowering and puts us in position for long term growth. Working with colleagues and clients who value and commit to similar things is the icing on the cake. Engage and identify value with future clients and create raving advocates.
Sample success stories:
- Enabled CEO vision that drove 15x growth and set the firm up for a successful exit
- Developing and managing distance and remote relationships
- Learned how to really engage and impart motivation and momentum
- Sales & Client Facing Leader: design / application of process and technology to augment and leverage professional productivity
Powerful implementation differentiates you / your business! Consequently, my commitment is to enable and help heighten and sustain implementation supporting the business OS (operating system). It is essential that the business’ mission makes sense and contributes to staff and professionals’ commitment to perform and grow.